We went to Salem, MA this weekend. It was my second visit to this amazing town and I loved it just as much as the first time. It was the perfect day – not too hot, not too tiring, spent doing people watching (and what very interesting people one could watch in Salem!), looking at crafts, at beautiful architecture, watching street shows – jazz and country music, reenactments of the witch trials, and even very good improv theatre. The perfect day. It was nice to be out on a rare beautiful day of this summer, that looks more and more like fall.

Obviously, my daughter was the one who had a blast. She played like there was no tomorrow. She wet all the changes of clothes I had taken with me. I even let her play in a fountain, where she collected the coins people had thrown in. She threw them back there, so your wishes are still safe, don’t worry. My little witch.

As I was celebrating my newly obtained driving license, I bought myself, from a garage sale taking place right there, in the middle of everything (isn’t this town amazing?), this set of coffee cups and sugar container (which might very well be soup cups and salt shaker – I don’t know, I am just telling you what use they get in my house). I payed $1 for the whole set, and I am frugal-happy. I have been looking for the perfect coffee mug for a long time. Ever since my blue, hand-painted, daffodil mug broke, back in Romania. Now I have a better replacement. It’s not only painted by hand, but all made by hand, out of pure clay. And doesn’t it look beautiful?

In Salem witchcraft and alternative lifestyles are mainstream. There are people who seriously call themselves wizards, and nobody gives it a second thought. I have seen the biggest number of Birkenstocks on people’s feet. I have seen the most beautiful jewelry and long skirts from heaven. I have seen people at peace with themselves. People who seem to know who they are, and don’t apologize for it. People who know how to be true only to themselves, and their own personal god. It is a beautiful place to be. Even for a short, late summer day.