

What is this?

20 years ago, when I was saying goodbye to everyone in Romania as I was moving to US, my Second World War veteran grandfather told me, and I will never forget it: “Go with pride! Show Americans that we are…

Meetinghouse Arts Center

It’s the beginning of a thing that makes me more happy than I can say. Feels big and important and like the source of a lot of happy moments to come. After working for six years for my town’s Cultural…

Door Painting

So I’ve been painting. Not as much as I’d like. I put too much pressure on myself for every “relaxing” activity I find and the result is that I start avoiding it. Because the last thing I need is more…

Journaling: Notebooks

So, how is everyone doing? February feels like it’s three-months long, doesn’t it? True to my decision to start posting here more often, here I am again after a month with a very interesting update about notebooks! Because why not…

Happy New Year

I don’t know if I am going to call this a resolution, but I plan to work on my website more in 2022. It’s been ignored for too long. So yeah, expect me to be more present here as I…


The thing that holds me back from posting here the most is the pictures. At the same time, I easily find pictures to post on Instagram at least weakly. So what is happening? My brain being … a brain. What…

Knave of Wands

I bought a new Tarot deck this summer during our annual trip to the Maine seaside. There is a rather large new age shop in Kennebunkport that we visit every time. I always look at the Tarot decks but most…

Moonlit Dreams/Moonlit Nightmares

“Receiving Room” is a short story that came to me quickly and complete. I wrote it in a couple of sessions, which is very rare for me (I tend to rewrite to death). It was possibly the most fun I’ve…