Summer, it’s been nice, but let’s move on

DSCF1235The morning air it turning slightly crisp, evenings spent outside call for sweater and scarf (yippee!), and our meals consist mostly of watermelon and corn on the cob. This summer has been the best one in recent memory: not too hot, but not cold, not too humid, not too rainy but not dry. Just perfect. But it's coming to a close and I'm not too upset about it.

Vacation mode

It has started. This summer is going to be a busy one for us, with a newly almost one year old who wants to move everywhere, grandparents visiting, and a new technical editing course starting for me. Not to mention…

How “real” do we want our blogs?

messy-house-behind-babyThere has been a lot of talk in the blogosphere about how unrealistic are the images of ourselves we present on the Internet. The same discussion take place around Facebook, about how much happier other people seem on social media and how much misery upon self-reflection and comparison that creates in their "friends". Facebook is another can of ridiculous worms altogether though. Blogs are windows into the lives of people we don't know but who are in some way or another interesting to us. At least this is the surface of things.

The meaning of value and dreaming small

We often discuss in my house about our values and how we ascribe value based on general cultural predetermination, our own pleasure-seeking mind, our desire to show off a status, etc. It can be a heavy discussion, but here, today,…

Read women

You know the feeling when you think you’re having a brilliant idea that is so original and so perfect it sends shudders through your spine? And then you find out that many other people have had that same thought much…