The Very Bad Writer

In 2018 I submitted short stories 78 times. Out of these I got exactly one story accepted for publication. I am a bad writer. Eleven submissions are still out, but all the rest are rejections. So yeah, I find it…

Instagram is evil (maybe) and other things

I have been away from this blog for too long. Feeling guilty about it. Because this is my space and I should be taking better care of it. Instead, I have been posting a lot on Instagram. Which is not…

How dare you

Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony and hearing yesterday was the closest I have ever seen to someone who was brought up to believe he had all the privileges (all!) suddenly being asked to answer for his actions instead of being the one…

Author interview on the DeadSteam website

The DeadSteam anthology, which has my my story “A Visitor at Sultana’s Castle,” is coming out next week (October 1) but you can preorder right now. And you can also read my interview on the DeadSteam website. I can promise…

Nooo! This is not happening!

Doctors Regularly Give Anesthesized Patients Non-Consensual Pelvic Exams It cannot be a legal practice! It cannot be ethically justified! It cannot be happening! But it is. Because women and their bodies and their consent are worth exactly nothing. Sure, let’s…

Summer’s End

School is starting tomorrow and summer is going out with a bang (heat advisory). I don’t know how to feel about it. All year, all winter long I dream up such high expectations of summer and then somehow it just…

Send Us Your Best Work

Demoralizing, exasperating, demotivating, patronizing, simply soul crushing calls for submissions: Please send us your best work. Do not sent us stories that have been rejected by other publications. Edit thoroughly and send us only your cleanest work. Format according to…

Style Inspiration: Julianne Moore

I could look at pictures of Julianne Moore all day for style inspiration. There is something about the clothes and the way she wears them, like they are hers and she is herself in them, that is very powerful and…

Punctuated by horror movies

Dracula, 1958, with Christopher Lee. I hail from Romania. so o, course. I remember watching this particular Dracula with my little sister, my cousin O (lifelong partner in horror-appreciation), and my aunt, O’s mother, at home. My parents were away…