Category Feminism

Happy New Year

I don’t know if I am going to call this a resolution, but I plan to work on my website more in 2022. It’s been ignored for too long. So yeah, expect me to be more present here as I…

How dare you

Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony and hearing yesterday was the closest I have ever seen to someone who was brought up to believe he had all the privileges (all!) suddenly being asked to answer for his actions instead of being the one…

Feminism and the freedom to wear oversexualized clothing

Magazineandcoffeeinthegrass.pngSome will say that this is a battle that is over and that we won: feminists can wear as high a pair of heels and as red a lipstick as they want and still not be excluded from the club, the membership to which is awarded to them at birth. (Yes, men feminists have more to prove before they are allowed entrance. Tough luck!) But I don't know if this perceived freedom is a real one or one projected to us in our slumber pods.

Read women

You know the feeling when you think you’re having a brilliant idea that is so original and so perfect it sends shudders through your spine? And then you find out that many other people have had that same thought much…

The Beauty Myth, by NAOMI WOLF

thebeautymythUnlike many other books, I find it difficult to review this one. I have mixed emotions about it and it's somehow become very important to me. Obviously, I am a little late in reading it--it was first published in 1991, so almost two decades ago. I am sorry to say, however, that not many things have changed since that time and the book is still, (and horrifically in many ways) accurate and current.