Category Journal

Someone else’s

I have been thinking about motherhood. Shocker, right? Particularly about feminism and motherhood. About the expectations I had while growing up and after getting married, and about the reality of my life after giving birth to my first child. Are…

The turning of old into new

Focus. It’s my hope for the new year. It’s an old wish. A long-chased chimera. However, it’s a new year so here is the renewed hope that I’ll suddenly gain unmatched focus and become more productive as a result. I…

The low

Still school vacation, still feeling like the holidays. The tree is still lit and all glitter and shine, so the post-Christmas low hasn’t exactly set in, but it does feels near. Without resolutions for the new year, the new beginning…


 Just a few more days. I’ve never had great expectations for Christmas gifts growing up, because my mom would always surprise us with the same gift of new pajamas, year after year. As a mother myself, I am now excited…

The nauseating beauty of my suburban fall

It’s a beautiful fall season this year. Some would call it even “ideal.” The tree leaves are turning slowly into sunset colors and on breezy days fill the air with fragrance and movement. The gardens continue to bear delicious fruit…

Took a break to create something new

Two children. Life is very different now. Sharing the love and parenting, dividing my time between my children and myself. It’s hard. It takes a while to adjust and resume life from where it stopped on the day with the…