Category Online Presence

Old vs. new: website logo

I realize that the idea of a logo is to create brand identity and brand recognition, and that is why it needs to be a constant element that doesn’t change much throughout time. However, since I am not a real…

Trying to blog better: categories and tags

You all know about my regular struggles with blogging and being on the Web. I’ve made so many mistakes that although I’ve had this online space since 2008, I haven’t gotten anywhere with it and my audience has in time diminished rather than grown. I think that

How “real” do we want our blogs?

messy-house-behind-babyThere has been a lot of talk in the blogosphere about how unrealistic are the images of ourselves we present on the Internet. The same discussion take place around Facebook, about how much happier other people seem on social media and how much misery upon self-reflection and comparison that creates in their "friends". Facebook is another can of ridiculous worms altogether though. Blogs are windows into the lives of people we don't know but who are in some way or another interesting to us. At least this is the surface of things.

Blogging mistakes

It is probably visible to only very few (or maybe just myself) that I make changes and tweak this site at least once a month, but usually more often. In the past few weeks I changed the favicon image to…

Blogging is hard work

  You know how I whine all the time that nobody reads my blog? I try to sound like I’m joking, but the truth is that it’s not that great as it might seem at first sight. It doesn’t really…

Back to blogging

I have big plans to revive this website and start spending more of my time to update it. I know it is what I should do. I mean, it’s about the only thing that I could relatively easily do to…

A writerly use for Pinterest

I don’t remember whom I should give credit for making me aware of how authors can use Pinterest for inspiration or to promote their books. There are many articles online to this effect. I have been a member of Pinterest…