Category Writing

What I’m learning about technical writing

My summer blogging break (as I'd like it to be known from now on) is still going on, but I wanted to let you know that I have an article up on the technical communication blog of ClickHelp: Learning technical writing: adaptation and evolution. Because even if not all writing is "creative," any writing is a lot of fun. I know, . . . > > >

Author ad creation and other things keeping me busy

Things have been keeping me busy these past two weeks and as much as I don't like it when the blog goes down to the bottom of the to-do list, it happened again. Last week I had a final project to submit for the Information Design course I have been taking. The final project was a "me" advertising piece. I came up with this little author ad . . . > > >

Inclusiveness and the middle class writer

woman reading statuetteI read this Vagina Monologues playwright: ‘It never said a woman is someone with a vagina’ article in the Guardian the other day and it just added up to a lot of confusion I have been feeling lately about the dismissive attitude I see projected often towards individual experiences of feminism for the reason of not being inclusive enough. (This other Guardian articles,Class is permanent and Stop this stream of sob stories from self-pitying middle-class writers – we’ve suffered enough, have also contributed to the confusion.)

The basement writing space

basement office4It’s probably a weekly if not daily discussion in my family: we need a bigger house, but no, what we have is perfect for us and we can adapt it to our changing needs, but still, one more room would solve all our problems, and yet why move when this is still working well for us most of the time and a small house (about 1150 sq ft, if you’re very curious) is what fits our values, though look at this house that’s for sale. It goes on and on, and it’s mostly just talk. We are happy where we are and moving is not something we’ll ever undertake too happily.

The office-supply obsessed section of the brain:


Oct23 new planners1 copyA while ago it got into my mind that my days would suddenly become a beacon of productivity and happily accomplished tasks if only I would find a way to keep a list of all my varied activities so I have a clear image of what I need to do in a particular day, week, etc. I do prefer digital technology to paper mostly because it is less wasteful and because I'm in front of the computer most of the time anyway, so I wouldn't need to have another thing to keep track of.

The evolution of my book covers

COVER-TYPOGRAPYwomanI thought I'd do something fun today and show you the evolution of my cover art and book titles throughout time. I have talked many times on this blog (a good blogger would now go back through the archives to actually link to said posts, but I, well, you know) about how I enjoy taking breaks from writing to work on cover design.

My latest title (developments)

I’ve changed it! The title, I mean. I am sure nobody actually needs to know how many times an author changes her mind about the titles of the books she’s writing, but I can’t help myself: I get excited and…

A woman’s writing vs. her children

I have been thinking about a recent debate regarding women authors and childbearing. Author Lauren Sandler wrote an article for The Atlantic professing that the secret to a successful writing life for a woman is to have only one child, giving as…