Dragaica, The Devil Woman, and Them

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Dragaica, the Devil Woman, and Them is a book about women and their magic powers. It’s about how these powers have been maligned and ostracized until they almost disappeared from the modern world. They have been preserved however in the remote mountain village of Willow Circle. This is where the trajectories of Catrina and Marina converge, and where they become aware of their destinies, and of their inheritance.

Willow Circle is a community of women who preserved their confidence and belief in the need to protect each other and their world.  It’s a community with roots reaching far into a distant past of humanity, a community that perpetuates a mystical sisterhood and connects the invisible threads of the main characters’ lives.

One night each year, the secluded village of Willow Circle becomes the scene of an ancient ritual: the celebration of the Iele (Them), three powerful but fickle mythological beings whose names should not be uttered. The locals have given a name only to the most powerful of them; in hushed voices, in fear, they call her Dragaica–the devil woman. As ethnologist Catrina Savatin is soon too discover, the village is engulfed in secrecy and her research threatens to destroy the fragile ecosystem that has preserved the community for so long, and to bring her down with it.

One of the not so well-kept secrets of Willow Circle is the healing power of women like Marina Margalina, the village’s golden daughter. Soon after Catrina’s arrival, Marina leaves her home for mysterious reasons and travels to the city where she starts healing the maladies of women who come in for haircuts and manicures at a small beauty salon. In no time she becomes the object of national media interest and controversy, and finds herself struggling to fend off accusations of fraud and even murder, and to escape investigations into her past, her powers, and, more importantly, her home place.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”4948″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]